Om en misslyckad enhörning
Kategori: Allmänt
Skulle rita en enhörningsflicka, och när tushningen var klar var jag ovanligt nöjd. men sen råkade jag göra hennes hud grå. orkade inte ens göra klart för det blev så fail. men ni får se ändå, för man måste visa upp sina misstag också!
(translation: I did this unicorn-lady, and after I put on the ink I was very pleased with it. but then I accidentaly made her skin grey. wtf brain?! now its destoyed, I did not even had the energy to finish it. But im uploading it anyway, just to show you my mistakes as well. sorry about my bad english.)
(translation: I did this unicorn-lady, and after I put on the ink I was very pleased with it. but then I accidentaly made her skin grey. wtf brain?! now its destoyed, I did not even had the energy to finish it. But im uploading it anyway, just to show you my mistakes as well. sorry about my bad english.)